
We want everyone who comes to St Peter Mancroft to have a warm welcome and a good experience. We are working to improve the welcome we give so if you have a need that isn’t covered by the information below then please get in touch with the church office.


All nearby car parks have disabled badge spaces. There are also blue badge spaces on Theatre Street next to The Forum, opposite the Assembly House.

Level access

Level access to St Peter Mancroft is available through the South Door – that’s the one nearest to NEXT on Hay Hill. Whilst the Building Work is taking place, please use the North Door near the Market for Level Access.

Partially sighted and/or hard of hearing

Guide and assistance dogs are welcome inside St Peter Mancroft.

There is a hearing loop in church.

Holy Communion Services

The Chacel is wheelchair accessible using the stone slope near the pulpit. However, if you are unable to reach the front of the church we can arrange for you to receive communion at your seat. Please inform one of the vergers or sidespeople on duty when you arrive at the service. Gluten-free wafers are available at the main altar rail at each service – just ask when you arrive at the rail.

Help when you’re here

If you are visiting during the week and need any help once you’ve arrived please speak to the verger on duty or to one of our guide welcomers. You will be able to find out who they are as they will be wearing a badge or a lanyard. If you are attending a service please speak to one of the sidespeople at the back of the church.