Mancroft Souvenir Guidebook

The current guuidebook came from a project led by Fran Jackson.  At its launch she said: “I’m delighted with how the book has turned out - it’s been a real team effort.” The vision was for a souvenir guidebook that tells the story of Mancroft through people, events and artefacts, as well as the building itself. Two of the photos were provided by congregation members Richard Turk and Zoltan Varnai, for which we’re very grateful. The front cover was inspired by a talk given by Barbara Miller, one of her Mancroft in Details series. It features the ‘four sisters’ window. The plan is also to make one or two smaller accompanying leaflets. Canon Edward Carter, the Vicar at Mancroft, said: “I’m so grateful to Fran and everyone who’s made this wonderful new guidebook happen.”

The guidebook is on sale at the back of Church at £5 a copy.